4.27.20 – Weekly Update from Kurt de Grosz
By Kurt de Grosz | Published April 27, 2020

Dear Colleagues, Clients, and Community:
During our last Town Hall, I focused on our COVID-19 guiding objective “Sustainability of our Work and Company” and on our ABD core value “ACCOUNTABLE: WE UPHOLD OUR STANDARDS.”
While business is not normal, supporting our clients remains the priority. We are proud to welcome nine (9) new ABD colleagues, each filling a critical role, ensuring the sustainability of our work and company. These employees will work across our practices in support of our solutions, service commitments, and innovation.
As state and local governments begin to plan for a gradual return, ABD’s “Return to Office” Committee has been outlining what it will look like when we return to our office environment, and also preparing our guidelines for clients to help make sure you are educated and prepared. The transition back to working in the office presents many challenges and will be very different from how it was before COVID-19. Our preparation will sustain our work and company and we look forward to sharing this guidance with you. Please watch for updates from your service teams and on the ABD COVID-19 Communications portal.
We have communicated to our colleagues and our clients that the key to sustainability of our work and company is taking care of our team members. We understand the pandemic and shelter-in-place orders are impacting all of us. However, and unfortunately, some of our own ABD colleagues are facing particular financial hardship.
To that end, we announced the formation of the ABD Employee Emergency Relief Fund. The Fund will be seeded through contributions from ABD and the ABD leadership team and is open to any employee who wishes to donate. We trust and hope it may provide a modicum of relief to those ABD colleagues most in need right now.
Bringing on these new colleagues. Planning our Return to Office. Creating the Employee Emergency Relief Fund. All of these efforts reflect ABD trying to live its core value of ACCOUNTABLE – WE UPHOLD OUR STANDARDS.
ABD’s Operating Principles tell us that ACCOUNTABLE means we do what we say we are going to do. ACCOUNTABLE means we apply sound judgement and resourcefulness as we execute. ACCOUNTABLE means that we act proactively. We stay current on news, guidance, and compliance to help you, our clients, navigate this environment with the information you need to be proactive for your business. Our compliance team is monitoring and sharing updates in real-time (Compliance Alerts ), our P&C claims team is engaging with you around Business Interruption and claims management, and our HR Services and Occupational Health & Safety teams are offering Leadership Guidance to help you manage your teams through this crisis.
We so very much appreciate each and every one of our clients for giving us the opportunity to support you.

Kurt de Grosz
Executive Chairman
Kurt de Grosz is the Executive Chairman of Newfront. Specializing in team building, brand development, innovation, and customer acquisition, Kurt believes Newfront's people, ethos, and core values will build the next great independent insurance brokerage operation.