The Missing Link: Connecting Financial Wellness to Your Employee Mental Health Strategy
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Nearly 75% of Americans are stressed about their finances. When coupled with today’s challenging economic environment, many workers are living paycheck to paycheck and voluntary turnover remains high as employees search for higher salaries to reach financial stability.
Organizations are offering robust total rewards packages to support employees holistically but in many cases, financial wellness initiatives are offered in isolation. Money influences almost all elements of our lives, and as a result, our relationship with money can have a direct and compounding effect on our overall wellbeing. With this in mind, companies must understand how to deliver total rewards information with clarity and empathy to retain top talent and support employee needs.
Topics Covered Included:
The impact of financial stress on mental health
The opportunity to build an integrated total rewards strategy
The value in offering an engaging financial wellness program
The importance of aligning communication strategy with financial and mental health
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Michael Forney
Investment Advisor and Financial Wellness Specialist

Robyn Cross (Host)
Senior Manager, Operations, Newfront

Amanda Peppers
Director of Consultant Relations, Northstar