OSHA 300 Log Posting Dates Fast Approaching
By Scott Rhymes | Published January 20, 2022

OSHA 300 Log posting dates fast approaching.
The California and Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s deadline for posting employer 300A Summary forms is fast approaching. There are two dates that employers need to be aware of.
Both Cal-OSHA and Fed-OSHA require a separate OSHA log and posting for each physical location of your company which they refer to as establishments. For locations that have zero injuries or illnesses, OSHA also requires that the forms be posted and submitted with zero injuries reported.
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February 1, 2022 = All employers required to maintain injury and illness records must post the Form 300A Summary by this date. The 300A Summary form must remain posted until April 30 of the same year. HERE is a link to the Fed/OSHA forms. Both Fed-OSHA and Cal-OSHA allow partial exemptions for certain industries from recordkeeping. A full list of these industries can be found on HERE for California and HERE for Federal OSHA. You will need your company NAICS code (North American Industry Classification System) or you can look up your industry description. If you want to look up your NAICS code, you can refer to the NAICS Associations website.
March 2, 2022 = As of 2019, certain employers must submit their 300A form data to a Federal OSHA ITA system by this date. Establishments that meet any of the following criteria below from submitting their information to the ITA system.
The establishment’s peak employment during the previous calendar year was 19 or fewer.
The establishment is on THIS list, regardless of size.
The establishment had peak employment between 20 and 249 during the previous calendar year AND the establishment’s industry on THIS
OSHA also clarified their position on recordability of COVID-19 related illnesses in 2020. In an April 10, 2020 memo, Fed-OSHA explained that COVID-19 is a recordable illness, and employers are responsible for recording cases of COVID-19, if:
the case is a confirmed case of COVID-19, as defined by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); and
the case is work-related as defined by 29 CFR § 1904.5; and
the case involves one or more of the general recording criteria set forth in 29 CFR § 1904.7 which include death, days away from work, restricted work or transfer to another job, medical treatment beyond first aid, or loss of consciousness. You must also consider a case to meet the general recording criteria if it involves a significant injury or illness diagnosed by a physician or other licensed health care professional, even if it does not result in death, days away from work, restricted work or job transfer, medical treatment beyond first aid, or loss of consciousness.
However, due to the difficulty in determining if workers contracted COVID-19 at work, the memo adds that unless the employer has workers in the healthcare industry, emergency response or a correctional institution, OSHA will not enforce their current requirement to determine work relatedness except where:
There is objective evidence that a COVID-19 case may be work-related; and
The evidence was reasonably available to the employer.
Another feature of the OSHA 300 log is the ability to protect employee’s identity in certain situations. The injury or illness would still be placed on the OSHA 300 log, but instead of their name you would enter “Privacy Concern Case”. OSHA outlines the following types of injuries and illnesses that would qualify for this entry below:
An injury or illness to the intimate body part or the reproductive system
An injury or illness resulting from a sexual assault
Mental illnesses
HIV infection, hepatitis, or tuberculosis
Needlestick injuries and cuts from sharp objects that are contaminated with another person’s blood or other potentially infectious material
Other illnesses, if the employee voluntarily requests that his or her name not be entered on the log
In the case of COVID-19 entries, OSHA has not specifically identified these as Privacy cases, but employees may request that their name not appear on the log. Employers are required to honor these requests.
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California electronic submission of workplace injury and illness records
Overview of the OSHA Log and forms including fillable forms
Difference between California and Federal OSHA recordkeeping standards
Cal OSHA recordkeeping publications
Scott Rhymes
Director of Risk Control Services, Newfront
As Newfont’s Director of Risk Control, Scott leads a team of consultants who provide risk control and safety consulting services to clients designed to lower our client’s total cost of risk. Newfront risk control consultants partner with clients to increase risk awareness and reduce occupational, property, liability, and auto exposures by focusing on the client’s overall safety and risk management systems. Scott has over 27 years of experience in the risk management field, including direct employer-side experience directing programs for large municipal infrastructure districts, manufacturing and logistics, and biotech. Scott is also a regular guest speaker at local industry groups and university certificate programs.
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